Phone: +1-212-949-1180

Address: 60 East 42nd Street, Suite 3010 New York, NY 10165 USA


Rick Grove has lectured at the following judicial training courses held under the auspices of P.R.I.M.E. Finance, the International Bar Association and/or the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development:

• Judges in the Bahamas, Jamaica and Turks and Caicos with the support of the Bahamas Bar Association and the Bahamas Financial Services Board (August 2021).

• Shanghai Financial Court judges organized by China Financial Futures Exchange and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (December 2019).

• Taiwanese judges at the Judges Academy in Taipei (December 2017 and October 2019.

• Judicial Roundtable at Shanghai University of Political Science and Law (December 2018).

• Hong Kong District Court, High Court and Court of Final Appeal judges at the Hong Kong High Court (June 2018).

• Judges of the Australian Federal Courts in Sydney and Melbourne and judges of the Supreme Courts of the states of New South Wales and Victoria in Australia (October 2017).

• Romanian judges at Institutul National al Magistraturii in Bucharest (September 2016).

• Chilean judges at Instituto de Estudios Judiciales in Santiago (March 2016).

• Supreme Court justices of Singapore (May 2014).

• Supreme and Chancery Court judges of Delaware (October 2013).
