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Rick Grove and Camilla Macpherson, Head of Secretariat at P.R.I.M.E. Finance Foundation, have co-authored ‘Business disputes in a pandemic: preparing for a peak and flattening the curve’ for Butterworths Journal of International Bank and Financial Law, October 2020. [Download]


R.D. Selvaggio, Three Lessons of and since the Financial Crisis, The Journal of Structured Finance, Summer 2017. [See abstract here]


R Grove, Overview of Derivative Financial Products, International Financial Disputes – Arbitration and Mediation, Jeffrey Golden and Carolyn Lamm, editors, Oxford University Press, 2015.


R.D. Selvaggio with B. Simkins, A.C. Blater, C. Cerrea, E. Hughson, Economic Value of OTC Derivatives used by Nonfinancial Firms, Panel Session from the 2014 Applied Finance Conference, Journal of Applied Finance, 2014. [Download]


R Grove, Valuation in the context of derivatives litigation, Oxford University Press Capital Markets Law Journal, April 2011. [See abstract here]


C. W. Smithson, Credit Portfolio Management, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003.
